My Journey from Brokenness to Power, Purpose and Impact

There I was, standing at the bathroom sink, performing my usual routine of washing the makeup off my face, face-to-face with my reflection as I washed away the day’s mask. But it was more than makeup that spiraled down the drain; it was layers of unspoken sadness and pain. I stared at the woman in the mirror — a stranger cloaked in despair.

 Each stroke washed away the makeup and unveiled a more profound truth I had been masking. I stared at the woman in the mirror and saw the bare skeleton of the woman I once was. I asked myself, “How did I get here?” “Natalie, what happened?” a kaleidoscope of pain flashed before my eyes. Memories of miscarriages filled me with unspeakable grief for the babies I never got to hold. My heart ached with the hurt and anger from enduring a toxic relationship that was breaking me down. The more these memories surfaced, the more overwhelming the pain became until it was too much to bear; I had to shut it down. I rolled my shoulder back, forced a smile, and told myself I was a strong woman and would be ok.

 Six months later, fate dealt its hand, and I found myself in a hospital bed and had difficulty moving the right side of my body. The doctors feed the worst. I was scared and wondered about what was going to happen to my baby girl at home and my family. Tears trickled down my face, and fear gripped my heart. Before I knew it — a prayer chain began, and hearts and voices lifted me to the heavens. Within an hour, a miracle happened- feeling returned to my limbs, the scans came back clear, and the doctors were in disbelief. I was so grateful because I was given a second chance at life, and with it, a fire was lit within me — a burning quest to find the antidote to mental, emotional, and even physical stress.

 That fire led me to delve deep into the teachings of the finest thought leaders across various realms — self-empowerment, mental health, psychology, faith, and neuroscience. I knew I had solved the puzzle. I found the secret formula to heal you from emotional, mental, and spiritual turmoil, and the wonderful thing was that I was applying everything I was learning and was getting results. However, my environment was toxic and distracted me from my quest. So, one day, I was having a pity party and upset. In frustration, I fell on my knees and started crying, and I asked the question, “Why are so many bad things happening to me?” I am not a bad person. I am a good person and don’t deserve to go through everything I was going through.” Suddenly, a sense of peace came over me. Then my mind lit up, and divine wisdom flooded through me,” I trust you to go through this journey; all you have been through was to equip you to help others because you have been through so many struggles, and you can relate to them. You have the tools to help others.” I froze in amazement, and then I felt excitement. A smile emerged because what I discovered would make a difference in someone’s life.

Now, as “The Greatness Activator,” I stand before you as an occupational therapist who is a transformational success coach whose life has been a testament to resilience and faith. My mission is clear — to guide you from the brink of your struggles to the breakthrough of your greatness. If your heart feels heavy, if the road ahead seems daunting, I am here to walk with you. Let’s turn your trials into triumphs, your pain into your purpose.

 Join me, and together we’ll chart your course to joy, purpose, and fulfillment. This journey is not just mine; it’s ours — a path laid with lessons learned and victories earned. Arise, shine, and live your destined life. The life you’ve dreamed of is not just a possibility; it’s within reach. Let’s embrace this second chance together and make your life a living, breathing testament to greatness.


  1. You’re Stronger Than You Think: Life’s tough, I get it. But believe me, you have more strength inside you than you realize. Together, we’ll uncover and use that strength to conquer your challenges.
  2. Your Story Matters: Every experience you’ve had is a valuable chapter in your life. I’m here to listen, really listen, because your story is the key to unlocking your true potential.
  3. Embrace Your True Self: Being real and authentic is where the magic happens. Let’s peel back the layers to find the real you, full of dreams, hopes, and incredible potential.
  4. Joy is Within Reach: Happiness isn’t just for others; it’s for you too. Finding joy in the small things and the big things is what life’s all about. Let’s discover what makes your heart sing.
  5. Small Steps, Big Leaps: Change doesn’t happen overnight, but every small step counts. We’ll take those steps together at your pace, turning them into giant leaps towards your goals.
  6. You’re Not Alone: We all need a helping hand sometimes. I’m here to walk this journey with you, to support you, cheer for you, and celebrate every victory with you.
  7. Your Dreams Are Valid: No matter how big or small your dreams are, they are valid and achievable. Let’s work together to turn those dreams into reality.
  8. A Balanced Life is Possible: Balancing life’s many demands can be challenging but not impossible. I believe in finding harmony in all areas of life – let’s find that sweet spot together.
  9. Your Impact Matters: You can make a positive impact, not just in your life but in the lives of others. Let’s unlock that potential and spread some goodness in the world.
  10. Be Your Best You: You deserve to live the best version of your life. I’m committed to helping you be your best self – happy, fulfilled, and thriving.